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Our Services
Home /  Tree Surgery /  Veteran  Tree Care

Tree Removal Service Cork

Any tree. Any size. Any where. Prices start from €150


Lantra awarded rigging experts. For trees in tight confined spaces.

Tree pruning - Tree surgeon Cork

Arborists you can actually trust to look after your trees


Hedge trimming Cork

Precise, clean hedging for homes and commercial property.  Prices start from €100.


Removal of trees - Site Clearance Cork

Excavation, clearance and removal on any terrain in any location. 


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Planting, mulch & turf laying, fencing, trimming & edging. From €30p/h


 Tag, map, classify, prop, prune or brace- to save our ancient trees


Installation of dynamic support systems to prevent limb failure


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Any location, any size. Stump removal via grinding or eco-plugging.

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Right tree, right place. We can help you buy and plant shrubs & trees. 

Split Firewood

Veteran Tree Management Cork 

Veteran Tree Care

Ancient Trees Kerry

Split Firewood

We can tag, map and manage the care for ancient trees

Split Firewood

How can we Help?

Each veteran or ancient tree has unique needs and requires specific management strategies for its care. Heritage Tree Care Ltd. use various approaches to retain a veteran tree for as long as possible.

  • Veteran trees are mature trees that have been alive for hundreds of years.

  • Ancient trees are also veteran trees, but are the oldest of their kind, some having been alive for thousands of years.


What do veteran trees look like? 

What is a veteran tree?

Veteran trees are extremely old trees that are over-mature and easily recognized by their wide stems and size. They possess unrestricted crown architecture and may show signs of decay due to their long lifespan.


These trees provide habitats for various mammals, birds, invertebrates, and important organisms like lichens, bryophytes, and fungi. They are self-supporting ecosystems and offer both biological and aesthetic benefits, making it our responsibility to protect them.

what to do if you have a veteran tree

If you have concerns about a veteran tree, the first step is to contact Heritage Tree Care Ltd.


We will conduct a site visit and likely perform a Visual Tree Assessment, which is similar to a doctor's exam for the tree. We'll assess its health, record its characteristics, and conduct a full risk assessment in accordance with ISA TRAQ guidelines.


A maintenance program will be recommended, which may include pruning, propping, bracing, or cordoning-off. The program will also include guidelines for maintaining the tree's health and monitoring it regularly. Our team can explain the benefits and methods of each practice. Call us today for more information.

Carrying out VTAs on two veteran Oaks

in Kenmare, Co. Kerry

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